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yog squad dominos matching fun!


Match it up with the Yog Squad! Print, cut, 'n' play this fun game with your family. Who’ll be the ultimate domino champ?


download PDF, print and play!

how to play

  1. Download & Print: Choose between colour or black-and-white versions (colour them in for extra fun!).

  2. Cut the Tiles: Ask a grown-up to help you carefully cut out the domino pieces.

  3. Shuffle & Play: Mix ‘em up and take turns matching the tiles. The first one to use up all their dominoes wins! *grin *

  4. Bonus Activity: Use the black-and-white version to add your own creative touch—colour in the characters and scenes before you start playing!


Don’t forget to recycle your paper scraps after cutting out your dominos!

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